Tuesday, 3 May 2016

4/5/16 Game Development Begins!

It's Term 2 and Team Awesome has hit the ground running. On Monday we launched into the immersion phase of our game development inquiry. Before we can design our own games, we have to see what's out there already. Students have had a good time playing games, learning new games from reading rule books or explanations from others, and we have been really impressed by their engagement during these times. 

After each game, students would then have a discussion about what they enjoyed about their experience playing, what decisions they could make and the look and feel of the game pieces themselves. We have also encountered new types of games such as deck-building games like Dominion, social deduction games like Apples to Apples and hidden role games like The Resistance Avalon. 

Most of these wonderful games have been supplied to the school from the Wellington company, Board Game Rentals. They have offered us over 20 games to play in the next 4 weeks, and are helping put us in touch with some New Zealand game designers. They also sell games, so if your student really enjoys a game they play at school then you can show some support for this local-company by buying your games through them. 

Click on this link to see what games we have on loan!

Our next step is to start drawing some connections between the games that we have really enjoyed. What stands out about them? And what might turn us off about other games? Our Home Learning this week is for students to play a game at home and then answer the following questions:

- What did you enjoyed about it? 
- What did you think about how the game looks and feels?
- What players can do during the game?
Images by Freepik