Friday, 24 June 2016

Team Building

Team awesome have been taking spending some quality time in classes these past few weeks. The aim has been to learn about how we can strengthen our relationships with each other and our space throughout the team. Students have been involved in activities that relate to our school's ASPIRE vision. Actively Involved, Skillful and Inquisitive Thinkers, Independent, Respectful and Enjoying Ourselves. Activities have included, Art, Community Circles, Team Building activities, cleaning up our school and learning sign language.

Room 9: We have been looking at using our strengths and how we can use these teach other people new skills.

Room 10: Team work- Students had to work together to build a clown by each creating one part of the body.

Room 11: Team Building Game (minefield) exploring the importance of communication for Whanaunatanga (relationships)

Room 12: Sign Language Lesson with Miss Heron

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