Thursday, 30 June 2016


Students in Team Awesome have been continuing to learn about fractions, decimals, percentages and ratios during maths time. All four groups have been focused on developing new strategies and skills and students have been fully engaged in their learning.

In Miss Morris's maths group the students had a real treat, they were asked to apply their learning about proportions and ratios to work out fractions, percentages and ratios using M&M's. They then had to use the data they had collected to create a graph of their findings.

Monday, 27 June 2016

Game Development - Protoyping and Play Testing

We are moving into the play testing phase of our game development project! Students have been developing their prototypes and are beginning to test out, evaluate and improve their games. Looking forward to the final products!


Students in team awesome have been creating some amazing things during DPE!

Awesome stop motion animation by Callan, Joel, Nathan, Blake and Amit

Friday, 24 June 2016

Team Building

Team awesome have been taking spending some quality time in classes these past few weeks. The aim has been to learn about how we can strengthen our relationships with each other and our space throughout the team. Students have been involved in activities that relate to our school's ASPIRE vision. Actively Involved, Skillful and Inquisitive Thinkers, Independent, Respectful and Enjoying Ourselves. Activities have included, Art, Community Circles, Team Building activities, cleaning up our school and learning sign language.

Room 9: We have been looking at using our strengths and how we can use these teach other people new skills.

Room 10: Team work- Students had to work together to build a clown by each creating one part of the body.

Room 11: Team Building Game (minefield) exploring the importance of communication for Whanaunatanga (relationships)

Room 12: Sign Language Lesson with Miss Heron

Monday, 20 June 2016

Literacy Update

Students in team awesome have been busy timetabling their reading, persuasive writing, P.E, game research and game prototyping into block 1 each day. This has been a great chance to put into practice the learning from last terms Ko Wai Au project, especially in regards to time management and meeting deadlines.

Thursday, 9 June 2016

Week 6 PE

This week for PE we have been practicing our large ball skills, with a focus on throwing, catching and dribbling. When the weather packed in on Friday, we created our own indoor workouts based around the idea of the 7 minute workout. Here we are in action, improving our ball skills, as well as our mental and physical health. A healthy body is a healthy mind! 

Tuesday, 7 June 2016

Game contracts! Week 6

This week for game design we decided on the groups that we will be working with throughout the remainder of the design process. We had to think about a few things before we were able to choose our groups.... We thought back to the reflection we completed at the end of our Ko Wai Au unit, and what we wanted to work on. We also thought about what being in a 'professional learning relationship' means. It's different to friendship and it's more to do with working effectively towards a common goal. 

After taking these things into consideration, we chose our groups. We then drew up a contract between our group and the teachers to prove to that we will work effectively together. Below are some of our contracts! 

Friday, 3 June 2016

Developing our ideas!

Displaying IMG_2145.JPGAfter refining our ideas from 100 down to 10 and pairing them with game types, our next step was to choose our four favourite ideas and develop these further. This process has really helped us to ensure our ideas are robust and we are getting closer to settling on our main idea! 

Here we are working on our 4 way planning documents.... 
Here are some examples of the planning documents! 

By Sabina

By Emily S

By Ben M

By Paris
Images by Freepik