Monday, 14 March 2016

Levels of Independence

At Raroa and in Team Awesome, we strive to be independent and self-reflective learners. On Monday we were shown the Team Awesome 'Levels of Independence'. We were set the task of looking at each of the levels and making connections between them. We noticed that as the levels progress, the expectations become more challenging. 

We all start at level one, and throughout the year we will be working our way up the levels. We were asked to look at different ways in which we can provide evidence of which level we are at. Our next step is to use these levels to support us in setting our ASPIRE goals and to provide evidence of how we are working within these levels.

The Levels of Independence is a working document and changes to the levels may be made as the year goes on, depending on the needs we see within the team. 

Here we are breaking down each of the levels and making connections between them. 

An example of our work once we were finished breaking it down. 

Images by Freepik